
Student-Led Physio Service

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Gareth describes his experience at the MIHP


Gareth has just completed his 6-week placement at the MIHP, under the supervision of his University Lecturers, Dale Walker and Ray Healy.
Physiotherapy uses lots of “medical jargon” and it’s easy to get your words mixed up.

Gareth confused the muscles of the Peronei (muscles at the outside of the ankle) with Peroni (an Italian Beer), at least it was not perineum!

Gareth already helps a Chartered Physiotherapists with their clinic at Awesome Walls climbing centre in Stockport and has just gained his qualification in Sports Massage.

Gareth has been learning new “hands on” techniques including Myofascial release with an Instrument Assist (we use Rock Blades in the Clinic), Joint Mobilisations, Electrotherapy (we use Compex in the Clinic) and Exercise prescription.

Gareth would highly recommend this experience to other students before they go out on their MSK Placement.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Owen describes his experience at the MIHP


Owen has just completed his 6-week placement at the MIHP, under the supervision of his University Lecturers, Dale Walker and Ray Healy.

When theory is learned in the classroom where most of the students are able-bodied the scenario can sometimes lose its realism.

However, with a “real-life” patient who has actual symptoms the scenario is completely different.

This “great experience” with patients is also “Time-Protected” to allow reflection and clinical reasoning to be predominated over time management.

Which is the Student’s biggest challenge when going into a Musculo-Skeletal (MSK) Out-Patients placement.

Owen has been learning new “hands on” techniques including Myofascial release with an Instrument Assist (we use Rock Blades in the Clinic), Joint Mobilisations, Electrotherapy (we use Compex in the Clinic) and Exercise prescription.

Owen would highly recommend this experience to other students before they go out on their MSK Placement.

The Student-Led Physiotherapy Service is back for 2022

  The Student-Led Physiotherapy Service from the University of Salford is back for 2022 We are located in the Brian Blatchford Building, at ...